Aerial Travel


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 Click on the image above and discover our Travel Stories
 We invite you to join our photographers on journeys around the world, to hear their travel stories, to see their photos, and to take these new perspectives into your hearts and your homes.

High above our favorite summer retreat, Martha’s Vineyard, we soar with the seagulls, swooping in and out and around the lighthouses, gliding over the deep blue water as the lobster boats hoist their prizes. In Israel, we throw open the lid of the world’s greatest treasure chest and behold the glistening, jewel-colored salt basins unveiled by the receding waters of the Dead Sea.

In India, we hover unobtrusive, silent spectators to the peaceful reverence with which the native people walk their country’s lush and spiritual land. In Seattle, we lower the volume on the pulsing, jostling city sounds and raise instead our vantage point and our appreciation for the verdant landscaping woven between the sky-scraping architecture, an abstract painting of shapes and curves and colors.