Maine Imaging



Maine Imaging's primary services include custom aerial photography and videography covering New England

About Maine Imaging

Maine Imaging's primary services include custom aerial photography and video for clients all over New England.  Their customer base consists of construction companies, commercial real estate agents, various Maine state agencies, and publishers.  Their network of helicopters and planes stretches from Downeast Maine to New York City.  With over 16,000 current stock aerial photos available on line, Maine Imaging has the largest collection of high resolution, New England aerials in the world today.  Dave's other image galleries include Maine seascapes, landscapes, nature, and several galleries of America's National Parks.

Maine Imaging has been published in several regional and national publications including Outdoor Photographer, GQ, Downeast, Conde Nast, and Yankee Magazines.  Maine Imaging has been in business for over 17 years.

 Latitude Image and Maine Imaging




dave-web-120.jpgTogether with Maine Imaging, Latitude Image has built an aerial photo library which at present represents the most extensive aerial collection available over New England.

Maine Imaging’s high productivity will assure that the New England Collection becomes the world reference for Aerial Stock images for New England
